Soil & Water Conservation District
Celebrating conservation since 1948
Weed Management Cost-Share Available!
“Up to 75% cost-share is available for weed management of priority species with a $500 maximum per contract.”
Priority species include Buckthorn, Common Tansy, Spotted Knapweed, Purple Loosestrife, and Leafy Spurge.
More details can be found in the Weed Management Cost-Share Policy. (see attachment)
To apply for cost-share, complete the agreement and return to the SWCD. You may also contact the SWCD for assistance in completing the agreement. (see attachment)
Cooperative Weed Management Area Program (CWMA)
Noxious Weed Inventory Is Now Complete!
The noxious weed inventory for Pennington County has been completed and can be found HERE. Common Tansy is more abundant on the eastern half of the county while Canada Thistle and Spotted Knapweed are more dominant on the western half.
It is important to know what noxious weeds are present in your area and know which methods of control are the most effective. If you choose to mow noxious weeds, do so prior to seed development and DO NOT mow when seed is present. To dispose of noxious weeds, it is best to let the plant lay and decay. Transporting plants could accidentally spread the weed to new locations and burying the plant parts could allow regeneration.
For more information on weed management, or you would like report infestations of noxious weeds, please contact the Pennington CWMA (218-683-7075) or the Pennington County Agricultural Inspector.
More information about invasive or noxious weeds:

“Funding provided by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed and
Invasive Plant Grant and BWSR CWMA Program Grant”
To report observations of invasive or noxious weeds:
Please contact Bryanna Grefthen by phone: 218-683-7075, email: Bryanna.Grefthen@Pennington.mnswcd.org, or through the contact form below. When reporting invasive or noxious weeds, please provide as much information about the location and infested area as possible. Our maps are only as useful as the data they are created from. Refer to the Pennington County Weed Reporting Guide for information to be collected for the report.