Soil & Water Conservation District
Celebrating conservation since 1948
Shoreland Management
(A Natural Resources Block Grant Program)
Managing our shorelands promotes preservation and enhancement of the quality of surface waters, maintains economic values of shorelands and ensures wise use of water resources.
Building within a Shoreland
Landowners who are anticipating to build within any shoreland area must apply for a permit to ensure proper setbacks and design. This includes construction of decks, buildings or building additions, replacing/repairing or installing a new septic system, altering the land, or building or adding on a structure. Shoreland is defined as any property within 300 feet of a stream or river, or 1000 feet from any lake, pond or flowage. Shoreland, land alteration, floodplain permits, and septic forms can be downloaded and printed from this website or they can be obtained from the Water Plan Coordinator at the SWCD office.
Stabilizing Your Shoreline
Erosion is a natural process resulting in some sediment loss to surface waters. Clearing shoreland vegetation and beach rocks, however, increases runoff to the shore accelerating shoreland erosion. There are many step you can take to prevent as much erosion as possible:
Retain moisture-absorbing vegetation along the shoreline.
Outlet rain gutters and divert surface runoff away from shore.
Reduce the rate of runoff toward the shore.
Minimize paved areas (impervious surfaces).
Install septic systems and drainfields away from shoreland zones.
Avoid additional weight on the shoreland bank, such as pools, buildings, or storage shed.
Information excerpted from Minnesota Extension "Stabilizing Your Shoreline to Prevent Erosion".
Shoreline Applications Forms
Pennington County Shoreland Ordinance requires permits for the construction of buildings or building additions (including decks), the installation and/or alteration of sewage treatment systems and grading and filling of more than 50 cubic yards of material within shoreland areas. If the property is located within Rocksbury, North, Norden, Sanders, or Numedal Townships, check with the township clerk for other required permits.
The Pennington County Shoreland Ordinance requires a compliant septic system before a shoreland permit is issued. An inspection can be done to find out if your septic system is compliant. Contact the SWCD for a list of licensed inspectors.
Permits Forms Required:
Building in Shoreland Area (within 300 feet of river or stream / 1000 feet of lake, pond or flowage)
Shoreland Permit Summary Form, Shoreland Building Permit Supplemental Form, Floodplain Form
Land Alteration in Shoreland Area (bringing in over 50 yards of fill)
Shoreland Permit Summary Form, Land Alteration Supplemental Data