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Rural Beautification

Each year the Pennington SWCD presents the Rural Beautification Award to a rural landowner who has incorporated landscaping and conservation practices on their property.  The winner is honored with an article about their home in the local paper, in the SWCD newsletter, and during the Pennington SWCD Annual Banquet in April.


2023 Rural Beautification Winners 

from Bray Township


Congratulations to our 2023 Rural Beautification winners, Gene and Susan Mosbeck!

The Mosbeck's moved into their rural Bray Township home in 1985, and slowly have been as Susan puts it, "changing our yard around from blah to a yard that brings us joy."  

As you come into the driveway you see their son, Sean's, kindergarten tree given to him by the Pennington SWCD for Arbor Day some 10 years ago, along with an iconic red barn and silo.  Looking about the property you see beautifully arranged flower beds, pink hanging flower baskets for family members that fought breast cancer, a rock firepit that Gene and Sean built, and different decorative pieces given to them by family and friends.  The couple also enjoys using items original to the farmstead for decoration whenever they can.  Walking closer to the barn you notice two rows of solar panels that Gene is installing to cut down on electrical use and supply the farm with power.

A herd of Katahdin hair sheep also call this farmstead home.  The name is a bit misleading as their hair is not sheared for wool.  They actually shed their coats in the spring.  The breed is larger in size and does fairly well in colder temperatures.  The lambs are so adorable and very curious, running up to see what kind of treat you may have in your hand.  The family raises the sheep for market and breeding stock.  

When I asked Gene what he enjoyed most about his home he said, "Listen."  I didn't hear anything but a few birds chirping.  The peace and quiet is indescribable.  I can see why Susan told me the couple spends all their free time outside enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

Thank you, Gene and Susan, for making Pennington County such a beautiful place to live.

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